
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hero Holiday Movie Digest: Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse, Aquaman

Made by the studio ever tainted by the distinction of making The Emoji Movie, Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse may very well have made up for that by being the best Spiderman movie, period. It acknowledges it is yet another origin story, but it doesn't feel like a retread, because it manages to inject copious amounts of creativity into the way it is presented, and it respects and pays tribute to the essence of the Spiderman mythos at the same time.

In this film, heroes are not monoliths whose existences are inextricably linked to any one person. In this film, anyone can be Spider-man, and one can take on the cowl or put on the mask without sacrificing who they are in the process. What makes the various Spider-men the same is ultimately not as important as what makes them unique. This is also a film about facing one's fears - whether it be the fear of facing death itself, or the very real fear parents have when they let their children set out in the world.

Sony seems to have found its stride with its Marvel properties by doing its own thing and not copying the formula of the MCU. I look forward to future installments in this universe.

Aquaman is a very, very silly film. There are giant bongo playing octopi (okay, just one), a plot that is basically if Lion King and The Little Mermaid had sweet interspecies sex, and a cover of Toto's Africa by Mr. Worldwide himself. This is a film that would have been in vogue in 2001.

...except it's still breaking the bank everywhere. Despite all that silliness, Aquaman is actually a very entertaining movie. Sure, the epic climactic battle near the end is a bit much, but it's not too big of a deal.

For kids, Aquaman has it all: Indiana Jones style archeological shenanigans, an odd couple ish rom-com from 1998, cheesy manly action complete with guitar twangs, and probably inadvertent references to Baywatch. Jason Momoa used to be in Baywatch, just putting it out there, no reason. For a long time Aquaman used to be the butt of jokes for having his super power being the ability to talk to fish while his friends can literally punch the space time continuum, but he's pretty cool here.

So if you're really not that keen on spider shenanigans, a little trip under the sea isn't that bad, either. Bring some popcorn along for the crazy ride.

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