
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Higanti, or how playing chess is the importantest

It's new movie timeeee. Today, we'll be talking about this gem, Higanti. I watched this film alone, and from all accounts the previous screening was probably as empty as the one I attended. This is evidence that normal people have the common sense and logic not to throw their money away. I envy them.

This movie, on the other hand, lacks both common sense and logic. It's poorly edited, with many scenes composed of random scenes spliced together. A dance scene, a scene where a young man furiously punches an easel and a scene where someone uses drugs are all shown in order, one after another. None of the scenes make any sense together or alone.

The story, which is about a woman who is basically shit on by her family for reasons, is poorly told. As a revenge film, it doesn't really dwell on revenge too much as it instead relies on letting things be. Which, as a revenge film (the film is literally titled "revenge" for chrissake) is the lamest thing you can do. It's so poor in almost all aspects of filmmaking it's actually quite amazing. Some people can't even try to be this bad. 

The writing is atrocious. There's a scene where the bitchy daughter (Meg Imperial) finally changes her ways. But the process of that change is so strange, so poorly implemented, that her character change is jarring. There's a motif of Gitana (Gypsy) dancing all throughout the film, but interpreting it as some sort of metaphor for the film is like saying quadratic equations are a metaphor for the Spanish Inquisition.

This is a film where someone is punched so hard, said punch-ee sprays so much blood (from where!?) drenching the punchers face in it.

This is a film where arterial spray from the neck has both the pressure and volume to coat an entire wall with blood almost instantaneously, thanks to piss poor editing.

This is a film with a hilariously bad CPR sequence, where the doctor is either 1) showing off 2) doesn't know what the fuck she is doing, or 3) both. She is defibrillating the patient's clavicles, after all.

This is a film where another doctor tells family members that their loved one is having a heart attack AGAIN in the most nonchalant, robotic way possible.

This is a film where a single shot from an M16 (NOT an M203, I checked) causes a large explosion in the water.

This is a film where a man tells the corpse of his dead brother that he can't die, because they still have to play chess. This is now the new "I'll never play the violin again!" and my new favorite line ever.

This is a film where an apparently bankrupt company has the money not only to buy juice and a cake, but also to remodel their entire building lobby, with nothing in the film telling us how the company got out of bankruptcy, if at all.

This is a film where said employees buy said cake and juice, but neglect to rearrange a burgled safe, just enough for our main character to see, instead of telling her that the safe has been burgled.

This is a film where establishing shots (or just random shots) are tilted at an extreme angle (90 degrees in some cases!) and spun around, because style is king, I guess.

This is a film where a man carves a deep wound into another mans chest, but the chest is merely smeared with blood seconds later.

This is a film where a bunch of guys piss on another guy's face in a slow mo/undercranked shot. Maybe these are the "understones" the MTRCB is talking about? You can take your 14 year old to see this film, by the way, since it's R-13.

This is a film where a "journalist" types with the typing speed of a three year old, capitalizing random words In His Sentences Like This. (Maybe he didn't read The Elements of Style.)

Higanti is garbage; an absolute failure of a film, and that's not really up for debate. But I really don't mind if people keep on making these shit films. I was in a bad rut today, and laughing (raucously, if I may add) at this film took me out of that rut. Not even Hollywood blockbusters managed to do that to me in the past few weeks. So thanks for that, I really appreciated it. Best film ever 10/10

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